Computer Servicing
Virus Or Spyware
To ensure that your computer or laptop runs at it's optimum speed without slowdown from undetected viruses or spyware, bloated registry entries, fragmented hard drives or other problems, we recommend that you service it once a year.
Annoying Popups
We get to the root of all issues that you are experiencing on your computer and make sure that annoying pops are not just temporarily cured but actually removed at the source so that the problem will not surface again. We will also advise you if you have inadequate protection on your system and recommend solutions that will reduce the chance of problems happening in the future.Hardware Problems
Our service includes management of all routine problems and early diagnosis of potential problems as well as a physical clean of the internal fans and motherboard in your system (desktop only) or your fans and heatsink (laptop) to keep you running at full speed.